How my journey began

Hi, I'm Jared, and I am the guy behind O&P Study

When first trying to prepare for my board exams, I was overwhelmed with the amount of material to cover and did not know where to start. So naturally, I took to Google to find a study guide, but this only led me to expensive exam prep courses (that are not even offered any longer).

So that's when I decided to create my own. Thirteen years ago, using a website was an excellent way to organize and quickly navigate through all the material.

I spent precious time after work and on the weekends trying to determine what information I needed to study. Outlining books and pouring over power points from school, I felt like I was drowning in a sea of materials. I broke down and spent entirely too much money on study resources online and spending more money than I had traveling to far away locations. I did all of this out of fear! Just to make sure I wasn't going to freeze up after being asked a question that I wasn't prepared for. Taking all of these prep courses and outlining thousands of pages of information resulted in thorough study guides. I removed all of the excessive information and made them easy to navigate. Why study material you will never need or waste valuable study time to find that one answer you can't remember? Along the way, I discovered some great tools, tips, and tricks to help me retain information and stay motivated. Initially, this website only aimed to help me study for the boards.

My friends started to use my organizing skills despite having the same access to the same information. They all felt that my outline saved them a ton of work. After receiving my official certification of CPO, I was going to take down this website. Why bother paying for a website if I won't be utilizing it any longer? This was when my friends and colleagues urged me to keep the resource online and possibly renovate it. So obviously, since you have read this far, I did just that! Updating both the website and study guides started taking up a lot of time. So for that reason, I'm now offering as much free content as I can and am charging a fee for the study guides just to keep the website live. If you are new to this site, I am here to help. Please feel free to leave any questions, comments, or even suggestions (about anything). I wish everyone lots of success while studying and taking your board exams. It can be stressful, but as long as you stay focused, study, and remain calm, you will pass your board exams in no time!

Best of Luck!
